  • Farah Iqrar talks about Iqrar Ul Hassan third marriage

    Farah Iqrar & Iqrar Ul Hassan File Photo Farah Iqrar & Iqrar Ul Hassan

    Pakistani television host and former news anchor, Farah Iqrar appeared on the “Thank Digital Podcast” on YouTube, where she openly discussed her relationship with, Iqrar-ul-Hassan’s first wife, Quratulain Ikram, and shared her thoughts on Iqrar-ul-Hassan’s third marriage.

    Farah is the second wife of Iqrarul Hasn. She disclosed that Iqrar had kept the second marriage secret from her for a while.

    Farah said that she shares a good bond with all the other wives of Iqrar.

    She stated that she was aware of Iqrar-ul-Hassan’s first marriage and his son, Pehlaj, and it was all known to them with mutual consent.

    Farah mentioned that she does not know how Quratulain reacted to her husband’s third marriage.

    She stated that only Quratulain can provide insights into her emotions.

    However, Farah emphasized that she and Iqrar-ul-Hassan have a relationship based on love and respect.

    Despite not meeting each other for a considerable period, Iqrar’s first and second wives have maintained a good rapport, according to Farah.


    Farah opined that living in a separate residence is more suitable as it helps avoid conflicts and complexities.

    She acknowledged that different people have different ways of living.

    Farah shared that her perspective has changed on polygamy not because she is a second wife but due to her experience of reading the Quran with translation.

    She mentioned that she has transformed as an individual and holds no negative thoughts or regrets about Iqrar-ul-Hassan’s third marriage.

    Farah clarified that people often assume she is sad because of Iqrar-ul-Hassan’s third marriage due to trolling on social media.

    However, she asserted that she is content and happy in her life.

    She expressed gratitude for the blessings and tranquillity she has found through Allah’s grace.

    She stated that Iqrar-ul-Hassan treats everyone equally and gives them equal attention.

    Farah Ikram is a prominent television host and YouTuber and has made a name for herself as a host on several popular news and entertainment channels.