  • Health - SUCH TV

    5 foods high in omega-3s

    Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are associated with reduced risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even better gut health.
    • Published in Health

    How often should you wash your hair?

    From the hair hacks your friends swear by to the varying rules established by experts, it may seem nearly impossible to figure out how often you should wash your hair.
    • Published in Health

    How to get rid of foot odor

    After a long day at the office, there's nothing like coming home, changing into a comfy T-shirt and sweatpants, and taking off your shoes.
    • Published in Health

    Should you double shampoo your hair?

    Most people just give their hair a once-over with shampoo and conditioner to keep it clean, however, can "double shampooing" produce better outcomes and healthier hair?
    • Published in Health

    How many senses do humans really have?

    Neuroscientist Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett delves into the different ways we’re able to perceive the world that go beyond sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.
    • Published in Health

    Which vegetables help your skin?

    You might have complained if your mom tried to make you eat brussels sprouts as a kid, but she only had your best interests in mind -- vegetables are good for you.
    • Published in Health

    How to improve your skin with mint

    If you take a whiff of mint, you can experience its cool, refreshing aroma. Imagine how your skin might feel if it were smoothed and caressed with it - would you experience the same feeling?…
    • Published in Health
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